Welcome to your Stevie Night Heat report for 8/31/03.......your Webmaster Wayne-O!@#%^* Reporting

Well I was hopping to get Raw Employee of the month but since I don't work for WWE the Coach won.....oh well......lets get on with the recap shell we?

The show opens up with Goldburg looking all beat up from the PPV.......we then go on to Stevie Night Heat and Al and heel Coach

Match number one is Big Papa Pump d. Elite Mike Knox with the Novacain.......I rate this match ******1/2

We then find Al back stage looking at "Big Un's" magazine or something which had a fold out....maybe a WWE Dives thingie.....who knows

Jumping in front of the camera is Stevie

Stevie:Shhhh......he's right over there

Stevie hands the mike to Al

Al:What the hell are you doing Stevie?

Stevie:I am glad you asked Al this is another Stevie Night Heat exclusive with you Al Stone

Al:Look Stevie I've had enough.....

Stevie:Right...you have had enough....the fans of Stevie Night Heat have had enough

Al:Yes they have

Stevie:That is why I have created Must See Stevie-E

Al:I know

Stevie:And now on this night this Stevie Night Heat exclusive I would like to announce the merger


Stevie:Of Stevie Night Heat with Stevie Corp.

Al:What the hell is Stevie Corp????

Stevie Corp is going to make higher ratings it's going to bring more money in it's going to mean more upper mobility for more Employees

In walks Ivory

Ivory:Hey Al....Oh Hi Stevie I didn't see you there

Stevie:I have to tell you Ivory I am so pleased with the job you are doing here on Stevie Night Heat

Ivory:Thank you very much

Stevie:But.....I know you can go just a little farther with the right encouragement

Stevie runs his fingers on Ivories shelve

Ivory:OK...(ha ha) you need to stop touching me.....that is gross

Stevie:What are you talking about?

Ivory:You put your hands on me you are so weird...you are so wacked.....you know what?.....I....

Stevie goes to touch her again

Ivory:Wow....oh yuck....germs I wouldn't touch you even if I had rubber gloves on.....two sets of rubber gloves

Al starts laughing

Ivory:Is he delusional or what?....you are so wacked out totally wacked out...you think you own this company and stuff..it's weird.....I wouldn't have anything to do with you even if you were the last man on Earth..and the whole Human population relayed on us to make babes or something

Al:Oh Who

Ivory:Ever..no way

Victoria comes into the picture

Victoria:Hi Ivory

Ivory:Hi Victoria

Stevie:I happy you showed up Flower she was just trying to get into my pants


Flower:What do you mean pants????

Stevie whispers in Flowers ear as to what he means

Ivory:Well I.....

Flower:You Hussy!

Al:Look Stevie.....

Stevie:Shhhh...the girls are talking now.....

Victoria:I ave heard about you....you are like the Village Bike...and everybody has had their ride......and belive me my Boo is not taking that seat

Editors note:Did she just call Stevie her"Boo"????.......I had a cat once named Boo.......no wait.......I had about 20 cats names Boo.......see we lived on a busy street and ......well you see there was Boo number one......and Boo number Two.....and so on and so on......anyway.....


Victoria:Hey!......if you want my man you are goingto have to have me too


Victoria takes Stevie away by his ear

Stevie:We'll show you....

Al:Don't look at me....they do this every week

Ivory:Whatever uh????

Book of the week was Shane and Eric at Summerslam

Match Two was Stevie/Victoria d. Dreamer/Ivory in which Stevie came down the ramp with a sign that said"I'm with Flower....Flower than went on to pin Dreamer.......match rateing **********1/2

Next was recap of Summerslam and Coach chairing Shane and Coach getting award on Raw and Christian beating the King on Raw

Wrestlemaina recall from 1998 when Stone Cold beat Shawn

Match three Test/w Stacy d. Drek Knight something or other who was allso wrearing tights that said" Elite" on the butt same as Knox from the first match???....what's up with that?.....and what was writen on his backside???......match gets ***

Blast of the Night was Shane vs Jericho from Raw........and Kane pushed into hell!!!!!!

Main Event was Val d. Rico/Jackie with a back Suplex into a power bomb......no that was a **********3/4 match