heat 9/5/04
What????......Al is moving to Velocity????.....well I guess when that happens we shell change this to a Velcocity report....
Match One is Rodney Mack/w Jazz vs Rosey
Al is sick or was sick and couldn't talk very good
Fans chant"Rosey....Rosey...Rosey"...........let me guess what is going to happen here....is Rosey going to go to the top rope and Jazz is going to bugger up Rosey????.......Rodney gets a closeline and gets a two count.....oh .....a low blow by Rodney......a back top by Rosey.....Rosey messed in the corner......oh look at that I as wrong...a DDT by Rodney for the win
They go to a Vote package thingie
Back we go to Raw and the business with Randy and HHH....Oh noooooo......Kane vs Randy for Raw........OH MY GOD!!!!!!....
Rwind was Christian beating up on Jericho
A Stevie/Jericho interview were Stevie plays that he thinks Jericho is dressing up like a woman???.......Jericho says Stevie has bad Breath........Stevie wants a match..oh it's on
Next match is Maven vs G.I./Paul Bunyen Babaganouch........wow what a tall dude......what was with the Tattoo on his back....hmmmm low blow or something by G.I. ...the fans boo him for that.......two drop kicks by Maven......Flying Spinning DDT and Maven wins
Back we go to Raw and the Diva thing
Back we o to Raw again and the HHH vs Eugene match.......Randy finds a Hammer
Sting of the night was Batista beating up on Chris Benoit
Main Event is Jericho vs Stevie......wow.....with 20 minutes to go in the show?.....is my clock wrong???.....
Fans chant"Y2J.....Y2J"......an arm drag starts it off ......Stevie bitchs at Jericho......Sunset Flip by Stevie into a sharp shooter by Jerchio but Stevie finds the ropes.....they go to adds
Back and Stevie kicks Jericho on the mat.....a two count or Stevie.......Stevie tries to cut the air out of Jericho.......a boot to the ribs by Stevie....back suplex by Stevie......a give up move but on Jericho......it's like a Camel Clutch.......an elbow and an arm drag and Jericho gets out of the move.......a clothesline by Y2J.......a 2 count for Jericho........a ten count to Stevies head in the corner........a Stevie kick but Jericho kicks out.....a bulldog by Jericho......Lion Salt....but no......a Stevie DDT but no.....a jump off the top rope by Stevie.....no......the Walls of Jericho and Stevie is still member of the J.O.B. Squad...