heat 9/28/03 Stevie Night Heat Report 9/28/03
Reports have it that Stephanie McMahon is personally responsible for recently telling writers to cut the "Stevie Night Heat" angle from Heat. She apparently had no idea it was going on until very recently and wanted away with it immediately
I for one am very sad about this news.....and I am crying as I write this report.....there is nothing better in my mind than a fun work-Your Webmaster Wayne-O!#%^*
First off they showed Al and the Coach come out on Raw to be the Announcers
First match made me cry even more as it was Stevie vs Val........Val wins.....later Stevie and Flower.....I mean Victoria beat up on Val
Rodney Mack won the next match against Jobber Jason Porcaro
Next they showed the Christian vs RVD match from Raw ......then they went back to Raw again and showed the stuff with Shane in the Hosptial.......my question would be why was Kane wearing his wrestling gear in a Hospital????
Next match was THE match of the night which was Rico vs the Jobber with the Tweetie Bird hair cut.....Arch Kincaid......now is Arch his given name?.....if so why would you name your child Arch????........good match....Rico beat him....
Back to Raw and Goldburg vs Jericho......ect ......ect
Nice video package of the work between Test....Stacy.....and Big Pappa Pump.......Main Event was.......you are not going to belive me when I type this........Crowbar was killed by Big Pappa Pump.........
Now it is Dark