Nidia on Excess Not only is Tazz the co-host of WWF Smackdown!, but he's also a trainer on Tough Enough. They are down to five, and we don't know who the winner is. They recap this past Thursday night's edition of WWF Tough Enough when the five finalists went on the road to find out what it's like to be a Superstar on the Road. In the studio, Tazz brought out Nidia and Taylor from WWF Tough Enough! The Coach said that these two have worked hard and one of them is going to go home with a WWF contract. Tazz said that they both worked real hard. They busted their butts in there and they are both here. Trish asked them if it's tougher than expected. Nidia said absolutely. The wrestlers make it look extremely easy but when they got in the ring, it was a completely different story. Taylor said that they had three people quit in the first couple of weeks. That just goes to show that this business isn't for everybody. The Coach said that they have had some really good trainers. The Coach asked Tazz the difference between Al Snow and Tazz's training. Tazz said that Al has a bit of a different method.
He's qualified, no doubt, but they don't see eye to eye as a trainer. Al is a family guy and a WWF guy. He would rather hug everyone, rather than beat the hell out of them and kick their asses. Tazz has grown to respect the Tough Enough contestants. The Coach asked the girls who they preferred to be trained by and they said Tazz, because they were standing right next to him! Nidia said that it's very beneficial to train with Tazz. You have Jackie and Torrie as well and you learn to work under pressure. For Al Snow, there was a lot of joking around, but he got his point across definitely. Tazz struck fear into their hearts, but he got his point across. After they were able to over come his lessons and what he taught them, it was an honor. They go to a caller, and the caller said that he knows what Taylor is going through. His grandfather passed away and he was the one who raised him, because his mom was strung out on drugs. The fact that Taylor's family really doesn't want her to be a wrestler, does that motivate her? Taylor said it definitely does. When somebody tells you that you can't do something, that's going to push you all the more to prove them wrong and to show them that you can do it just as well as anybody else.
Parents see it as an industry where you're going to get hurt a lot. They worry about you, but they appreciate the fact that she has found something she loves. They support her. Trish asked what motivates Nidia, and it's when people laugh at her, for wanting to become a professional wrestler. Tazz said that he didn't think that Nidia and Taylor were going to make it. The Coach said that Nidia and Taylor look like they are good friends, but there's only going to be one winner. Taylor told her father that she said she thinks she's going to win. Care to explain that to Nidia? Taylor said that you have to believe in yourself, and Taylor isn't in it for Nidia to win, and Nidia isn't in it for Taylor to win. The Coach asked how excited they are, and Nidia said that everything they have done reminds you of why you want to become a wrestler. She loves the WWF family. They are really close and everyone is super friendly and she loves being around here. The Coach asked her if she's saying that Tazz is super friendly? The group laughed together about that. Trish said that they have a unique opportunity to break into the business, and good luck to both of them, and perhaps they will meet in the ring one day. The Coach thanked Tazz, Nidia and Taylor for joining the show in the studio.