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credit:UWF's"Big Jason Fuller During intermission at Al's last MTW show they said you could have your pic taken with AL, and I thought it would be cool to have one. So when I got in the ring Al said hi, he remembered me from are meeting a month earlier at his school(I had talked to Al at his school about training but It was to far away for me to get trained there). I asked him does he know when he was going to start with the fed. He had no idea or just played me for a mark. I also asked if he knew what his gimmick would be he said the same I have no idea. I said "you should be Silverdust Goldust's tag-team partner", Just as a joke, Al thought it was funny. The Belt on my shoulder is Al's MTW title belt.
(Back in the day when I was a mark I took a pic with AL at his last MTW show I told him his name should be "Silverdust" he laughed, and sighed the pic that way.) Mickey Doyle trained me as Scott was on tour in England, I lived just outside of Detroit and trained in Windsor, Ont. Canada, and that is right across the river from Detroit. So Mickey trained me the most of the two. Also AL tagged with Zip of the Body Donnas while AL as Leif wrestle Mickey in his retirement match, Mickey tagged with Scott. Mickey pinned AL. I wrestle in Michigan, for UWF. My work name is "Big" Jason Fuller.